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We help promising healthcare startups
secure customers and attract funding

Work With Mentors

XLerateHealth selects promising healthcare startup companies to participate in an intensive 12-week Accelerator, working with a team of coaches and mentors to support the commercialization of innovative life science, med-tech, and digital healthcare technologies. Our Accelerator aims to bring early stage startups to a level where they are attractive to customers and investors.

What We're Looking For

We look for early-stage companies and entrepreneurs who are working to find solutions that solve pain points in the healthcare marketplace. Ideal candidates have:
A team with at least 1 full time committed founder
Intellectual property (if applicable) with patent filed
Previous success raising capital and/or revenue positive (desired but not necessary)
At least an MVP (minimal viable product) that’s ready to pilot
Coachable founder(s) and team
Ability to commit to and attend all sessions – virtually or in person.

The XLerateHealth Method

XLerateHealth was one of the first healthcare accelerators to apply Steve Blank’s “Lean LaunchPad” methodology grounded in “Customer Discovery.”
This approach allows startup founders to gain exposure to potential customers and continuously iterate their business model by:
Developing a strong understanding of market pains/needs relative to their business
Learning how to “get, keep, and grow” a customer base and navigate critical paths to market
Leveraging essential supply chain and distribution partner relationships
Establishing a knowledge base of the fundamental economics of building a successful business

Headquartered in
Louisville, KY

Location: Virtual via Zoom